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Comprehensive Curriculum

"Unlocking Potential, Nurturing Excellence: Our Comprehensive Curriculum Journey"

Safe and Nurturing Environment

"A Haven of Safety, Care, and Boundless Possibilities: Our Nurturing Environment"

Play-Based Learning

"Where Learning and Play Collide: Igniting Imagination through Play-Based Education"

Individualized Attention

"Unleashing Potential, One Child at a Time: Personalized Learning, Individualized Growth"

Welcome To Our Campus

At Bikash Bharati Blooms Day School, we believe that every child is a unique individual with limitless potential. We are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters a love for learning, creativity, and personal growth.

Our dedicated team of educators is passionate about providing the highest quality education for your child. We embrace innovative teaching methods and a comprehensive curriculum that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Through a well-rounded program that encompasses academics, arts, physical education, and character development, we aim to develop well-rounded individuals who are prepared for success in the ever-changing world.


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Guardian Meeting

May 29, 2023

Labour Day

May 29, 2023

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Annual Sports

October 21, 2026

300+ Student

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